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10 Simple but Effective Exercises for When You're on the Go

These 10 exercises are great for the girl or guy on the go. Do them anywhere, even your hotel room, with no equipment but a towel!

1. Wall Sit: Stand with your back flat against the wall, legs 90 degrees, arms out or to the side (just not resting on your legs). Hold.

2. Squat with Side Leg Lifts: Stand with feet shoulder width apart, toes forward, squat down (weight in your heels), come up and squeeze your butt, lift your right leg directly out to the side. Repeat and alternate legs.

3. Squat with Towel: Holding a hand towel taught above your head, lower into a squat and push up through your heels. Engage your core.

4. Around the World Lunges: Starting with your right leg, lunge forward, then to the side, then to the back, repeat on the left side.

5. Tricep Dips: Place hands behind hips on a raised surface (bed frame or bench), fingertips forward, legs extended out or bent, lift and lower yourself towards the ground engaging the back of your arms.

6. Push Up with Rotation: push up, open up your right side and extend your right arm to the ceiling, repeat on the left side

Modification: Lower your knees to the ground, continue push ups with rotation

7. Crawl Out Push Up: Stand with arms straight up, bend at your hips and walk your hands down into a push up position, push up, walk your hands back towards your feet, stand up and raise your arms, repeat

Modification: Lower your knees to the ground for the push up

8. Hand Towel Sit Ups with Twists: Lay on your back, legs extended, hand towel held taught in both hands directly above your eyes, engage your core and lift your upper body off the ground while keeping the towel out in front of you the whole time. Once in an upright position, twist with the towel to the right and then to the left and then lay back down.

9. Forearm Plank: Forearms on the ground, shoulders directly over wrists, butt down, flat back, hold a tight core. Option A: While holding the plank, tap your knees to the ground keeping the rest of your body still Option B: Sway your hips from side to side keeping the rest of your body still

10. Side Plank: Bring your right or left forearm to the ground, either stack or stagger your feet and lift up through your side body, engage your oblique Advancement: Lift your top leg and let it hover in the air Option A: Place your free hand behind your head, twist through your core to bring that elbow down to tap the ground

Amanda is a full-time student and part-time certified group fitness instructor. She likes a good workout but also a good pizza. Follow Amanda and Own Your Powerhouse on Instagram.

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